
The Dinner Table
Joanne P. Joanne P.

The Dinner Table

In one scene from my latest publication, Glory’s Treasures, we observe Glory sitting with her family enjoying dinner and praying together. My husband and I seek to be as intentional as possible to set time apart for our evening dinners. Some of our family’s best conversations and loving memories are around the dinner table. While we are around the table, we take the time to reflect on the day. We learn more about the children and utilize the moment to pour into their hearts. I am excited to invite Caleb Fluerant to share his thoughts on the importance of the family dinner table.

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Joanne P. Joanne P.


Welcome to Grace Covenant Books! On this site, you will find tools and resources to help you guide your most precious gift in the Lord. Children and youth ministry have always been my passion. I recall being a youth in my local church teaching Sunday school classes for our elementary school kids.

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